Sins of the parents: Apartment shame

We have satirized this phenomenon before, but it's no laughing matter to one UrbanBabyite suffering from an apartment complex because her 800-square-foot two-bedroom pales next to the more expansive abodes of her son's classmates. She has lost the desire to host play-dates in the cramped quarters. Justified or not?
Most commenters feel the size of the apartment should not matter, and mom needs to get over it so that she does not transfer her insecurity to her child: "As long as your apartment is clean and tidy, it doesn't really matter what the size is," counsels one commenter. "We go to play dates all the time in all different apartments. The only ones I don't like are the very cluttered, dirty or messy ones." But some say neatness isn't every thing: "800 ft is small. I wouldn't really want to be there to be honest; and I don't care how nice you are, and I am not looking down on you. It's just a tight space." (; previously.)
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