The perfect home for the narcissist in your life, a room that feels like an acid trip, and more
The Market

The perfect home for the narcissist in your life, a room that feels like an acid trip, and more

By BrickUnderground  | August 4, 2015 - 2:59PM

If you really like to look at yourself from every possible angle, want to go on an acid trip without dropping acid, and don't mind a strange fire exit, these homes might appeal to you. Otherwise, we really don't know what to make of these.

As always, this week's batch of questionable listings photos from Andy Donaldson, the man behind the Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs blog and book, complete with Donaldson's commentary.

In the event of a fire, cross your fingers and hope the laundry chute works.

Mankind’s relentless quest not to appear in mirrors will continue, despite this most recent setback. 

and this room’s where we keep all our nonsensical hallucinations.​


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