StreetNoise: Rate your rental agent, don't judge a new condo by its size, and more
- Love or it leave it, just don't judge a new condo by its square feet (StreetEasy Talk)
- If you're in the market for a penthouse, there will soon be no shortages (New York Times)
- How to change a co-op board "no" to a "yes" (NY1; previously)
- A novel response to peeping pedestrians ( via CurbedNY)
- Waterfront homeowners bust out the sandbags as sea levels rise Downtown (Downtown Express)
- If you don't know about ACRIS, you should (NY1)
- Rate your rental agent (you know you want to!) (Curbed NY)
- How to live in NYC on a retail salary: get a roommate (UrbanBaby)
- If that empty lot next door is a trash heap, don't expect the city to help out (Brooklyn Paper)
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