Apartment building ratings site wants you to find your next rental on Facebook

NYC renters have been finding roommates and apartment shares through their Facebook friends for years. Now, the newish apartment-building ratings and no-fee listings site Rentenna.com is betting its future that renters will use Facebook to find entire apartments.
"See what neighborhoods and buildings your friends have lived in, the apartments they loved & hated and rental recommendations tailored to your social network!" explains the site, which yesterday began requiring users to log in through Facebook Connect.
The new feature will grow exponentially more valuable as more users connect, co-founder Kayvon Bina explained to us yesterday, and it will only take about 1,000 NYC users to achieve initial critical mass. Over time, says Bina, the Facebook Connect feature will allow Rentenna to "start to derive insights and deliver personalized recommendations" to apartment seekers.
In the meantime, once you log in through Facebook Connect, you can store custom searches, review buildings you've lived in (anonymously, with the Facebook Connect requirement reducing spammy reviews), and ask to be notified when apartments open up in the buildings you're tracking.
For a fuller rundown of the info currently available on Rentenna, check out yesterday's post on CurbedNY: New website ranks buildings so renters don't have to.