NYC Real(i)ty Speak
NYC Real(i)ty Speak: 5 signs you picked the wrong paint color

Not everyone has a knack for picking out paint. You'll know it's time to hit the color wheel again when....
- Your contractor asks, "You sure this is the color you want, lady?"
- Your decorator sniffs, "You are the one who has to live with it."
- Your children scream, "The walls look like they are covered in BOOGERS, Mommy!!!"
- Your husband sighs, "As long as you are happy, honey."
- Your mother moans, "Oh dear."
Veronica X. is a Canadian by birth, an Upper West Sider by nature, and an Upper East Sider by choice and circumstance. She has finally found an apartment big enough for her family, books, and shoes and is now in the process of renovating it.
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