
Flyers posted on the M train encourage New Yorkers to step up and stop hate crimes

By Virginia K. Smith| November 30, 2016 - 9:59AM

Photos courtesy of Virginia Smith ; MTAphotos/Flickr

Since the close of the presidential election on November 8, hate crimes have spiked both nationwide and here in New York City. Just yesterday, swastikas and other bigoted hate speech were found scrawled on the 1 train, and DNAinfo has also compiled a map tracking incidents across the city. Governor Andrew Cuomo has also launched a special NYPD unit tasked with handling the surge in hate crimes, as CNN reported last week.

New Yorkers themselves are also fighting back against the rising tide of hate. Recently, flyers went up around Brooklyn showing solidarity for neighbors of all race, orientation, and religion. And last night, this Brick editor spotted flyers on the M train listing all the incidents that have taken place in recent weeks, and providing easy instructions on how to fight back.

From the flyer:

"If you witness a hate crime or are a victim of a hate crime, reach out for help:

In an emergency, call 911.

To report a previously witness hate crime, call 311.

NY State has created a Division of Human Rights bias report toll-free hotline at (888)392-3644 (9am to 5pm Monday — Friday).

If you are a victim of anti-gay/lesbian/bisexual/trans violence, call the Anti Violence Project 24 hour hotline 212-714-1141.

The Hate Crimes Unit at the NY District Attorney's Office can be reached at 212-335-3100.

You can also contact the Arab American Association at 718-745-3523.

If you would like to volunteer to accompany at-risk indviduals through their neighborhoods you can email

Know that you are not alone. Governor Andrew Cuomo issued the following statement on November 12: "As New Yorkers, we have fundamentally different philosophies than what Donald Trump laid out in his campagin. So let me be absolutely clear: If anyone feels that they are under attack, I want them to know that the state of New York—the state that has the Statue of Liberty in its harbor—is their refuge. Whether you are gay or straight, Muslim or Christian, rich or poor, black or white or borwn, we respect all people in the state of New York... We are New York, and we will stand up for you."

You can also sign up to accompany neighbors via an online form, which can be found here. Consider this a welcome reminder of the true meaning of "New York values."


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