The Market

It's a Wash: Get Ready for Laundry Week on BrickUnderground

By BrickUnderground| March 26, 2015 - 1:59PM

For anyone who's ever side-eyed that neighbor who uses all the building's machines at once, juggled bottles of detergent on the way to the local laundromat, or wondered what the hell happened to those perfectly worn, $100 jeans after sending a load to the neighborhood wash 'n fold, we sympathize. That's why next week is Laundry Week on BrickUnderground, and we'll be running stories covering everything from startup delivery services (and how well they actually work) to ways to trick out your building's laundry room to whether or not New Yorkers are comfortable letting strangers wash their underwear. (We'll also be running plenty of our regularly scheduled programming that's got absolutely nothing to do with fabric softener, so stick around for that, too.)

Laundry Week runs from Monday, March 30th through Friday, April 3rd.  And in the meantime, send us your questions, tips, horror stories, and anything else inspired by the surprisingly complicated process of getting your clothes clean when you live in this city. Drop us a line or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter.

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