Landlord wants to raise your rent? Here are 3 sample emails you can use to negotiate

… For many New York City renters who signed leases with a discount renewal … a great tenant and back up your number with research on what other similarsized apartments are renting for in the …

By Jennifer White Karp |December 26, 2023 - 9:30AM
What is a post-closing possession agreement and what are the risks for buyers and sellers?

… When you are buying in New York City a good strategy for beating the … competition is to find out what the seller wants and be the buyer who meets their needs That could mean offering to … ramifications of signing this sellerinitiated contract  … Why you should weigh the pros and cons carefully … Being …

By Emily Myers |August 10, 2023 - 2:30PM
The Brick Underground Podcast: Office Hours with Sam Himmelstein

Renting in New York City usually comes with some kind of headachea broken elevator a rent increase leaks mold the list goes on In the latest … charged fees for late rent payments if it isnt in the lease What are a landlords obligations for cleaning common areas …

By Emily Myers |May 2, 2023 - 2:30PM